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Revolutionizing early-life nutrition

BIOMILQ is focused on developing technology that utilizes the unique potential of human mammary cells to produce functional human milk components outside of the body. We are R&D-stage, science-led, and diligently working to bring more of the benefits of breast milk to more babies. 

How mammary biotechnology works


Mammary cells are isolated from breast milk donated by women passionate about BIOMILQ's mission.

The mammary cells are fed culture media, a mixture that provides nutrients to the cells, similar to a mother's bloodstream. The cells grow and multiply. 


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Once there are enough mammary cells, they are placed in a bioreactor, a high-density, 3D microenvironment that allows for rapid cell growth and secretion. 

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The mammary cells secrete human milk components.


The human milk components are removed from the bioreactor and analyzed by the BIOMILQ team!

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The production of milk within the mammary

gland is an elegantly orchestrated process that

converts food from the mother’s environment

into food for her young. Despite the dramatic

differences in scale and the high level of

compositional variability of milks across

mammalian species, the physiology that underlies

the process of milk production is remarkably consistent. 


During pregnancy, milk-making cells (called mammary epithelial cells) multiply in number dramatically in preparation for lactation. When the baby is born, shifts in the mother's blood chemistry trigger

the onset of milk production—we're in awe!

We are currently developing our technology, working diligently to bring this product to life—ensuring tip top safety is our top priority when nourishing tiny humans.


If you're interested in getting involved, check out our Careers Page! 

A note from our co-founder and CEO

Leila Strickland, PhD


"The molecular mechanics used by all animal cells to control

physical behaviors in space and time are fundamental at an

evolutionary level and highly conserved across species. As a

Ph.D. student, I researched sea urchin eggs as a model system to

learn about how the events of cell division are spatially and

temporally coordinated. The eggs of sea urchins are large,

spherical, and optically transparent, so with the right microscope,

you can watch the machinery of cell division assemble and divide

the cell in two—so beautiful!


Milk biosynthesis is a secretory process that, similarly to cell division, requires spatial orientation of the cell and coordination of multiple structures to ensure that components are delivered to the appropriate location at the appropriate time, and our process leverages these fundamental aspects of cell biology.


While feeding my son at the end of my post-doc it was clear that there was world-changing potential in harnessing my scientific understanding of cells and the evolutionary powerhouses of the human body—mammary cells—to make milk for millions of mothers in need!"

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