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Bioauthentic human milk ingredients for better human health.

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Only human mammary cells can unlock

the complexity of human milk.

Breast milk is collected from donors of all backgrounds and lactation stages. 

Breast Milk Donor
Breast Milk Donor
Breast Milk Donor


primary mammary cell donors

Why human mammary cells?

Human mammary cells have been learning how to make human milk for millions of years. Incredibly, human mammary cells are the only cells that produce a complete array of nutrients and bioactives for the human body that have a validated, positive impact on human health. 


Human milk is unlike the milk of any other mammal, and its uniqueness is directly tied to the cells that make it: human mammary cells.


BIOMILQ is the leading company that leverages the unique capabilities of human mammary cells as a novel biomanufacturing platform to advance human health, with bioauthentic human milk components.

BIOMILQ Mammary Cells

BIOMILQ human mammary cells

Current methods of producing human milk-inspired ingredients cannot accomplish what human mammary cells can.

Cow Ingredients

Bovine Ingredients

Long history of use & acceptance.

Precision Fermentation

Microbial Biomanufacturing

Decades of development on scale-up methods. 

Structures & concentrations deviate from human milk. 

Limited in the structures it can replicate. 

Ethical & sustainability issues related to animal farming. 

Different process is needed for every product.  

BIOMILQ's advantage lies in the unique capabilities of human mammary cells and our innovative bioprocess.

BIOMILQ Mammary Cells

BIOMILQ human mammary cells

Native cell type allows for bioauthentic structure of components.

Native cell type allows for human milk-like bioactivity of components. 

A single bioprocess can produce multiple products. 

Novel technology allows for innovation. 

We are seeking partners to support our R&D, manufacturing, and commercialization efforts!

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