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I’m pregnant; now what? Binto on the Importance of Prenatal Supplementation

You did it! You peed on a stick, and two little lines came back! Whether this was planned or a little surprise, prenatal supplementation will get you on the right track to giving you and your baby all the nutrients you need as you prepare for giving birth and beyond.

So, why do you need a prenatal vitamin and supplement regimen, and why Binto?

Plain and simple—because they help nourish mom and baby. As our friends at BIOMILQ know well, cells are hungry and require different nutrients depending on what they are doing in the body. When you are growing a tiny human, you need all the support you can get to keep not only the baby healthy but the mom too. Nutritional needs increase when pregnant because the body is feeding two humans, and prenatal and perinatal supplements are a great way to help reach optimal nutritional levels.

Research shows that women and babies have improved health outcomes by taking prenatal vitamins before and during pregnancy. A recent study analyzed the decrease of many essential minerals during pregnancy when the mom is un-supplemented. Adding vitamins and supplements into your daily routine can increase those dipping levels of minerals, especially calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, and zinc. For example, vitamin D levels decrease substantially at the start of pregnancy. Supplementing can help the mom get those levels back up, which is great because vitamin D supports healthy bone and immune development. The same can also be said for vitamin C, which supports the growth and repair of collagen and helps to maintain strong bones and teeth.

Choosing which vitamins and supplements to take, however, is very important. The study also evaluated 180 commercially available prenatal supplements. Variations in mineral content, with often only a subset of essential minerals, were found, and often at levels below the study’s recommendations. Binto’s prenatal vitamins and supplements meet all the proper levels and beyond and contain no fillers in order to get your body exactly what it needs when trying to conceive, when pregnant, and postpartum.

The Binto Difference

Binto vitamins are created by real women’s health providers and moms. Many prenatal supplements, including prescription prenatals, are either full of excess ingredients that your body doesn’t use or are not necessary to support a healthy pregnancy. Binto prenatal vitamins contain no fillers, no preservatives, are gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and are non-GMO. Like other prenatal vitamins, Binto’s contains methylated folate for the avoidance of neural tube defects, B vitamins and ginger to help with nausea during pregnancy, gentle forms of calcium and iron, choline, magnesium, iodine, and more.

But if you want the whole routine without the multiple bottles, Binto has also got you completely covered. You can either go to their website, take the quiz, and get matched with your customized combination of vitamins and supplements or try out the Prenatal Starter Kit, which will give you 3 supplements in one convenient packet you can grab and go for 30 days. The Prenatal Starter Kit will have a Prenatal Essential (2 capsules of this is 1 dose), an Algae DHA, because fatty acids during pregnancy are recommended by ACOG (the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) for growth and development, especially of brain and retina, and a Synbiotic, which is a pre and probiotic in one capsule to support gut microbiome of both you and baby with 13 different active Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains.

Binto would love to offer BIOMILQ readers a 20% discount using code BIOMILQ20

Binto has a variety of other products for prenatal and postpartum support, including a luxurious organic Belly Oil for itchy and stretching skin, a Nursing Balm for sore nipples or anything sore and dry (it’s great for lips and hands, too), and Binto’s newest product for lactation support (if you are going that route) called Milkmaids. It’s a fenugreek-free gummy to support milk supply.

As always, we believe fed is best, so if breastfeeding is not for you, we get you, and we are you! Whether you breastfeed, pump, formula feed, or combo-feed, Binto can help with any of your reproductive health needs. Reach out to one of the Binto healthcare providers on Live Chat or book a healthcare consult.



Adams, J. B., Sorenson, J. C., Pollard, E. L., Kirby, J. K., & Audhya, T. (2021, May 28). Evidence-based recommendations for an optimal prenatal supplement for women in the U.S., part Two: Minerals. Nutrients. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from

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